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Salvia Divinorum

Salvia How To Smoke Salvia Divinorum by MSSAfter numerous attempts I finally came upon what I call the Secret of Smoked Salvia divinorum. I will not discuss the subjective effects except in a limited sense, but what I do wish to discuss is how one might better feel these effects. First find a comfortable position, preferably sitting down in a quiet environment. Load a water pipe with a full hit of Salvia, light and inhale as deeply, and hold as long, as possible. A water pipe is the only tool effective for me due to its ability to cool the smoke and allow for large volumes to be inhaled easily. While holding in the hit it may be advantageous to poke out the left over ash/foliage and reload. Upon exhalation take a couple deep breathes of fresh air then inhale a second hit as above. Before taking another hit you may want to empty the water pipe of the left over smoke from the previous hit by simply blowing it out since the smoke stales quickly and make the next hit more difficult to inhale and hold for a length of time. Depending on unknown factors, or insufficient inhalations, one may find it necessary to do a hit or two more. Two deep hits has always been good for me, but I have unusually large lung capacity. Those who are used to smoking are more likely to feel the effects of Salvia simply due to the fact that their lungs are much better prepared to inhale a large amount of smoke. One technique to use to bring in large volumes of smoke is to take a few deep breathes, exhale all the air in the lungs and then inhale from the water pipe. One other technique is to continue loading and smoking until you no longer have the coordination to load anymore. I've tried this last technique before and it is really great for open eye visuals. After taking the necessary hits close your eyes, lay your head back on a comfortable support, and get your arms and legs in a comfortable open position that won't require you to move after the effects have...

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