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Theyre called "roofies," "R-2s," "rib," "rope," "The Club Drug," "Mexican Valium." The clinical name is Flunitrazepam, but its the effect that is important. Its called the "date rape drug" because one of its most frightening and dangerous usesis to commit sexual assault: a drug slipped into a drink without the victims knowledge. Roofies are tasteless, colorless, odorless, and they dissolve in liquid within seconds. When the drug is taken or ingested alone it creates a drunk-like state; when used withother drugs such as alcohol it can become a lethal mix. A year before he killed himself,rock star Kurt Cobain was in a coma and nearly died after taking Rohypnol.The effects include dizziness, confusion, stomach upset, temporary paralysis, blackoutand amnesia. The drug renders its victim helpless: there is loss of control, loss ofinhibitions, an inability to know whats happening. Effects begin within a few minutes and last up to 12 hours, depending on the amountingested. The victim goes in and out of consciousness, aware of some things, totally unaware ofothers. Its the perfect agenda for sexual assault on an unwilling victimHow to Protect Yourself The drug is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. You simply cannot tell if a roofie has beenplaced in your drink. There have been numerous reports of rapes following use of the drug by unknowingvictims. Because of the potential for abuse, observe these precautions: 1. Never accept a drink from someone you dont know and TRUST. Order sealed drinks you can open yourself. Watch the bartender make your drink and dont use wait-people. 2. Never leave your drink unattended. ALWAYS keep your drink in your hand,not left on the bar or table. Take your drink to the rest room with you, or Give your drink to someone you know you can trust. If you do leave your drink unattended, order a new one. 3. Use the "buddy system": Tell your friends where you are at a party. Never leave without acco...

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