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Romulus and Remus

With the beginning of any civilization there are stories that are carried through time about the creation of their nation. Rome was no different than any other. Theycarried their tail of how brothers quarreled over who was to receive the glory of theirtriumph. The United States also has followed this tradition as well with stories of ourmost famous founder of the United States, George Washington.Rome’s history began when two brothers founded the nation in the city of Rome. However the brothers were unable to decide which one was to receive the honor of havingthe kingdom bear his name. Romulus and Remus tried to decide, but eventually thediscussions broke down and the two brothers fought. Romulus was the victor and endedup killing his brother and consequently naming the kingdom after himself, Rome came intoexistence for the first time. This story gave the people of Rome a history, and instilled asense of strength in the nation through its patron founder. By slaining his brotherRomulus proved to his people that his nation would flourish in the future no matter whatthe cost, even if it meant taking the life of ones very own flesh and blood in battle.The United States also had a golden boy to begin their nation. GeorgeWashington carried along with him many legends, two of the most famous ones wereabout a cherry tree and a silver dollar. The first, begins when Washington was just ayoung lad. He chopped down a cherry tree, and when his father found the tree fallen tothe ground, Washington admitted to his father, “I cannot tell a lie, I chopped down thecherry tree.” By doing this it brought a sense of honesty to an office which carried somuch power that could be abused. The second story told of Washington heroically hurlinga silver dollar across the Potomac River. This story puts a sense of immortality on GeorgeWashington, though they may or may not have happened these events provide as a boostin public spirit ...

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