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Roll of thunder hear my cry

The novel roll of Thunder hear my cry is about racism and friendship. Most people don't know who to trust and who not to trust. The novel by Mildred Taylor follows the life of Stacey, Cassie,Christopher John, Littleman, TJ, the Sims, Papa, Mamma and Big Ma in their struggle against racism. They believe that all people no matter whether what colour their skin is should be equal.I will be following the life of Stacey and his family. I will also consider how Stacey grows up in the novel Roll of Thunder hear my cry and examine Stacey and his family and friends. The small area of land that the logan's own, half of it is on mortgage that will have to be paid up soon. Most black people in Mississippi during the 1930's were very poor. They did not own their own land and they were 'sharecroppers'. This meant they had to work on the farms owned by the white people just to survive. The white people did not pay the black workers very much money. They had enough to survive but little else. Stacy's best friend is called TJ. When TJ cheated at school in the exam it was Stacey who took the blame. Stacey was walking to school with Little Man, Cassie, Christopher and John. Little man was lagging behind worried about his shoes and his trousers getting dirty. When Stacy got to school, Mama tells the class that there is a test on today. Of course TJ knew that there was a test on today because he had stolen the answer sheet. During the test TJ was copying from the answer paper to the test paper. Mama asked TJ what he was doing, so TJ quickly passed the answer sheet over to Stacey and it was Stacy that took the blame for stealing the answer paper. Mama flipped when she saw Stacey with the answer paper. Mama wiped Stacey. Stacey begged Mama not to hit her. Still very angry because of what TJ had done, after school Stacey followed TJ to the Wallace store where they started fighting. Mr. Morrison came along and broke up the fight before anyone was hurt. Th...

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