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Rock Roots

Rock Roots: Africa and Cuba - a synthesis between 2 traditions & 2 continents to form rock - rock is the unique tribute to the power of integration - upon closer inspection, rock appears to be a purely African addition to the western musical institution - Afro-Cuban + black music of Mississippi and Louisiana share common ancestry: the Haitan revolution sent the islands plantation owners packing.Many managed to escape with their African slaves , whose origins were primarilyfrom Yoruba + Fon, modern Nigeria, Congo and Guinea. Most of these slavesended up in either Cuba, found in the Oriente province or in the southern UnitedStates, pricipally in LA but also spreading into MS. - from Africa, these black slaves brought a strong oral music tradition ofstorytelling, recreation, work and tragedy. - used the call-and-response method (eg. Ray Charles’ “What’d I Say”)- ask the Cuban’s where their music comes from and many point to the mountanous,jungle-lush Oriente province in the fart south of Cuba - the heartland of where theislands African religeous + musical survivals are.- during the 19th C. African rythmic structures filtered out of the Oriente’scountryside into the popular dance halls of its capital, Santiago-de-Cuba. From therethe new music - African polyrythms underlying spanish guitar styles and stanzaforms all using the call-and-response - spread to Havana. This style is called “son”. - when a Cuban is asked if this “son” business was anything like “a-wop-bop-a-lu-bop-a-lop-bam-boom”, the Cuban will counter, “or like boogie”(John Lee Hooker)- what is known as “clave” music in Cuba is the same as the “Bo Diddley Beat”- by the 1920's Havana was rocking to “son’s” bass-heavy riffs- the most characteristic bas pattern was a 3-note figure, identical to the bass partson...

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