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Richard IIs Deposition

Richard II is the first play of Shakespeare's four-part It tells the story of Richard II's deposition and Bolingbroke's rise to power. There are numerous reasons for Richard's fall. He went off to war and left his kingdom vaulnerable. Richard disregarded the advice of his elders. He even went so far as to steal Bolingbroke's inheritance. As Richard lost the support of the nobles and lords, Bolingbroke gained their support. Bolingbroke used this support to depose king Richard II. After the banishment of Bolingbroke, Richard quickly gets back to business and makes plans to go to war in Ireland. There are rebels in Ireland and the king must act to suppress them. But the king has little money; the cost of maintaining elaborate court life has taken its toll on the treasury. Richard plans on demanding and borrowing money from the wealthy and even renting out English land. This taxing the English and renting out English land shows a flaw in Richard as a king. He has a willingness to ignore his duty to the country in favor of his personal interests. Selfish kings are bound to be overthrown.Shortly after decided this Richard gets word that John of Gaunt is on his deathbed. He is elated because he figured an easier way to fund his war. After the death of Gaunt, Richard will claim Gaunt's lands as his own and use Gaunt's wealth for the war. Richard's coldness towards his uncle shows his lack of respect for anybody but himself. This lack of respect will help lead to his downfall.Gaunt curses Richard upon his deathbed. This curse is a bad omen and a prophesy of Richard's downfall. Richard's foolishness is shown when he chooses to ignore his dying uncles advice to "Live in thy shame, but die not shame in thee!" (act ii, scene I, line135). The bad omen immediately seems to come true. Upon Richard's seizure of Gaunt's land, Northumberland, Ross, and Willoughby all decide to turn against him. This action also spurs his loyal ...

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