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Richard Cory

In "Richard Cory", Edwin Arlington Robinson explores the deception of Richard Cory was a wealthy man, admired and envied by those who consider themselves less fortunate than he. Seemingly, Richard Cory was the model of success, dignity, and wealth. A standard to which every man was measured. However, Richard Cory didn't have everything; the desire to live. Through Richard Cory, Robinson illustrates how appearances can be deceiving and how depression and despair is not confined to the “people on the pavement” (line 2).Cory's portrait is drawn for us by a representative man, who depicts him as “imperially slim,” (line 4) “a gentleman from sole to crown,” (line 3) and “richer than a king” (line 9). Cory is immediately elevated from the ordinary man to a position often associated with monarchy. This contrast serves as the primary tone of the poem. Nowhere are we given direct evidence of Cory's real character; we are given only the comments of the people about him, except for his last act, taking his own life. Ironically, Cory's suicide brings about a reversal of the roles in the poem. Cory is suddenly dethroned and the people are correspondingly elevated. The people “worked, and waited for the light,” (line 13) but they went on living, showing the strength to endure. This suggests a spiritual sustenance of greater value within the people. Cory, wealthy as he was, did not live; instead, he “put a bullet through his head” (line 16) on “one calm summer night” (line 15). “Calm” (line 15) to the people, not to Cory. The “people on the pavement” (line 2) are shown that depression and despair isn't always attributed to social class or material wealth; it can affect anyone. The once “clean favoured” (line 4) and “admirably schooled” (line 10) Richard Cory is demoted to a human character. A real O...

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