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What is a relationship? And just what kind of relationship are you talking about? Relationship: (ri l shen ship) n. 1. The quantity or status of being related;connection. 2. Connection by blood, marriage..etc; kinship 3. A particular instance ofbeing related. (As stated in the Third Collegiate Edition of Webster’s Dictionary)In most cases that definition does not clear anything but I put it there anyway thatway you can have the real definition versus mine. The relationship I’m going to betalking about is the one that can exist between heterogeneous humans both male andfemale. I’m, not talking about a connection by blood but rather a connection by acommonality. A link between two people, so to speak. And how 2 people bond togetherto stride towards a common goal. That common goal achieving a friendship,girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife..etc.First off, just how is a relationship formed? Well I have come up with a set ofstages explaining how two people co-exist together. There are 5 basic stages. The first stage of a relationship is basically acknowledging a person. Knowingthat their a living, breathing mammal like yourself and they too have a purpose in thisworld. Now you acknowledge them pretty much by finding out basic information. Thisbasic information being simple things like their name, gender, sharing a common placewith them (school, work for example) and their description (red hair, blue eyes, tall,skinny..etc.).The second stage is beginning socialization but in a casual sense. Talking to thatperson only about things you 2 might share at a certain obstacle. Such as asking a person for the homework you missed (“Study buddy”) or what did you miss at the meeting forword last Friday. These brief conversations never exceed anything out of bounds. Youwould never ask your “study buddy” what their plans are for the weekend or anything tothat degree. Following these brief conversations you have, y...

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