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Reflections of Irony A Ban Against Cloning

"A Reflection of Irony-Bans Against Cloning" Cloning, a very controversial debate, is it right or wrong? Most Americans automatically assume cloning should be outlawed due to their At first, I condemned cloning, on pure ignorance of whatcloning really is. Most people have this science fiction view upon whatcloning could produce. Many misconceptions about human cloning comefrom science fiction. Almost all science fiction displays human clones aszombie like troglodytes (Pence 39). The people who are afraid of cloningtend to think that someone will break into Napoleon’s tomb, steal DNA,and make 2,000 emperors (Wertze 1). Human cloning is anything but thisand should not be banned but allowed to proceed with care to ensure thesafety of humanity.“Cloning is an obscure term, even in science, and can refer tomolecular cloning, cellular cloning, embryo twinning, and nuclear somatictransfer"(Pence 11). In molecular cloning, strings of DNA containing genesare duplicated in a host bacterium. In cellular cloning, replicas of a cell aremade, resulting in what is called a “cell line,” a procedure that is repeatedto make identical copies of the original cell which can be grownindefinitely (Pence 11). In Embryo twinning, an embryo that has alreadybeen formed sexually is divided into two identical halves. In theory, thisprocess could repeat itself repeatedly but in practice, there are a limitednumber of times an embryo can be twinned and retwinned (Pence 11). The Somatic Process takes the nucleus of an adult cell and implants it in toan egg cell where the nucleus has been removed. A variant of this processcalled “fusion” is to put the donor cells next to an enucleated egg and“fuse” the two with a tiny electric current (Pence 1). To put it into simplerterms, cloning is a method of producing a baby-whether animal orhuman-that has just about the same genetic make up as it’s parent. Keep in ...

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