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Red Death

Even though Edgar Allen Poe has publicly stated his dislike for the technique of allegory (a type of metaphor abstract). Uses of it can be found in his short story “The Masque of the Red Death”. Two that are evident are; the clock that signals Deaths approach, and the repetition of the number seven to implies life’s end. In the story a prince named Prospero is ruling in the mists of a plague that has killed half of his population. But instead of helping his people during their time of need, Prince Prospero decides to gather a thousand of his friends, host an extended quarantine party until the plague had run its coarse. In his castle, Prospero has nearly everything of the outside world, music, drink, food, and performers. Everything except the “Red Death”. The Guests spend their time in masquerade, where they dress in costumes of fantasy. The masquerade takes place in seven rooms, each its own color, with the seventh room being a blood red, and containing a clock that’s hourly chime causes a brief moment of stillness to fall over the party. During the sixth month of the party, as the clock strikes midnight, the crowd notices a new guest. The new guest is wearing the costume of “Red Death”, and causes a stir as the others notice his bloody appearance. The Prince is furious about the disturbance and orders the intruder stopped, but his orders are not followed due to the fear inspired by “Red Death”. Overwhelmed with anger, the Prince takes control, and tries to kill Death. As Prospero chases Death into the seventh room, the ever-watching guests anxiously watch the confrontation in the other rooms. Inside Death overcomes the Prince, and kills Prospero with his touch. When the guests gather the nerve, they rush the room to discover what has happened. They find the red masque hidden in the clock's shadow, and trample it to pieces as they start to become frantic as they realize t...

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