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Reality Check

Kids are great, aren’t they? They can spend hours playing with a spoon and a bowl. They have a profound and admirable sense of innocence. A child sees things in a completely different way than adults do. Adults see a woman in a flashy dress with extravagant jewelry, and they think to themselves “What a hussy!” A child can see the exact same lady and merely think “Pretty lady.” Are adults just pessimistic, self-absorbed morons with nothing better to do than criticize? I hope not, because that is not what I want to be. I think that the reason is culture and language. A child may live in the same culture as the critical adult, but it is apparent that there is a difference in thought. Perhaps, it is television or personal experience. The big difference is that children speak a different language than adults. The words may sound the same, but the meanings that lie underneath are distinct. This brings me to my conclusion that there are just as many realities as there are languages. Language influences our thoughts and understanding. The realities that we all know are the product of our surroundings and particularly the things that we are told. What is all this talk about reality and language? How can we question and analyze reality? Reality is just there. Yes, it is there, but it exists in so many forms. Are we confused yet? Good, then we are ready!We all view the world in a unique way. There are not any two people who see the world in exactly the same way. A lot of our thoughts and beliefs extend from the teachings of our parents or other key figures. When we accidentally took that first candy bar from the store without paying, who made us take it back and pay for the item we had “stolen”? Our parents probably did. They are the ones who teach us that stealing is bad, and that random acts of kindness like sharing are noble. If my mother had taught me that stealing was acc...

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