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Ready to Kill

“Back away from the merchandise!” This phrase seems to be one that is heard often throughout most malls. It is no secret that some people, even men, are frantic about shopping. These people are the ones that are lined up outside the store the night before there is to be a big sale or clearance. These are the people that most others walk by and roll their eyes at because they are so obsessed with shopping or getting a good bargain. Who knows why shopping and getting good prices has become such a big deal? Especially on the biggest shopping day of the year, the day after Thanksgiving. If you would happen to walk into a mall on that day, you would more than likely see people shoving each other, biting each other, or if you are lucky, you might catch an occasional fist fight. Sometimes people become so obsessed with shopping that they are blinded by it. They can see nothing but item or items they want to purchase. With malls and mall shoppers becoming increasingly violent, it is no wonder that when you walk down the mall you find dozens of police officers roaming around. People used to think that they were there to stop shoplifters, but it has become apparent that they are there to control the wild shoppers. Honestly, is it really necessary? A person can show very little emotion over a death in the family, but the second there is a big sale at his/her favorite store, BAM! It is a completely different story! Again the question is asked, why? Why are people so compulsive and obsessive? Next time while strolling down the mall and you see a frantic shopper, you can bet your bottom dollar that the shopper will be quietly singing, “Shop, shop, shop, all day long, shop, shop, shop while I sing this song. I’m gonna find a sale and make it mine ol mine, and I won’t let anyone cut in line.” ...

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