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Random Drug Testing

Schools want the right to be able to test student athletes at random for drugs. They feel that students shouldn't have to prove that they don't do drugs or even if they do, who cares as long as it doesn't effect their performance. I think that the school has no right to random drug testing, it's a violation of privacy. If a student desides to do drugs, that's their choice. The school has no business invading students space and denying them the right to do what they want. I know most kids smoke weed and drink alcohol because their bored, and honestly theres nothing else to do. Schools shouldn't be given the right to random drug testing because to the students that don't do drugs, it's an insult, and the school is targeting them and pretty much saying that every athlete and every student does drugs, that's why they have to test. In a way, drug testing makes the school look bad, because it makes people think that students do such an excessive amount of drugs, and this causes the school to drug test. Now some schools want to be given the right to test everyone at random. In my opinion, that's even worse. If I was called down to urinate in a cup I would feel violated and be labeled as a drugee. Since I don't do drugs, this would embarress me and it kinda tells all the other students that I'm being tested because I do drugs. If schools are going to test students for drugs, I think they should only test the students that show, physically, that they might be under the influence of drugs. This can be seen if their actions effect their performance at school. One teacher seeing a student that possibly might be under the influence shouldn't count. It should be noticeable by many teachers. I've seen many of my friends and peers under the influence and I wouldn't have even guessed they were if they didn't tell me. For some students it doesn't effect them much and they can be "normal" and act and talk like everyone else. Drug testin...

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