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Canada is one of the most unique and diversified countries in the world. It consists of ten provinces and two territories. All parts of Canada are interesting and contain important details to them, however, Quebec's political situation is the most controvercial of all. In all other parts of Canada, the main spoken language is english and it creates no problem amongst its settlers in each province. In Quebec, the situation differs. There is twenty four percent of a french population in all of canada, and this population resides mainly in Quebec. this creates a issue between the French and the English settlers because the English want the spoken language to stay english, but the majority french population want it to be french. Due to the minority of french speakers in all of canada, french is at a minority. In Quebec, their is a french majority of settlers and because of that, the french are taking their dominating situation and trying to create a french country on its own seperated from the rest of Canada. The follwing essay will include the history of the politocal situation in Quebec. The situation of Quebec can be best explained as the evolution of two nations. This conflict goes back two hundred years ago to the English conquest. Both Britain and France established colonies in Northern America in the seventeenth century. In seventeen hundred and fifty nine, British forces had a victory led by general Wolfe and this ended French colonialism in Northern America, yet problems persisted because the French still resided in these areas. New France stayed part of the British Empire and they lived within their own laws and language and were aloud to practice Catholicism. Due to being placed as a minority, the French refused to assimilate and thus, problems began. During the American Revolutionary war, thousands of English speaking people came to these British colonies and this made Quebec an English speaking province. In order to seperate ...

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