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Psychology is the study of how human beings and animals sense, think, learn and know. Psychology is a science based on observations and theories. Modern psychology is the collecting of facts and turning them into psychological theories to explain people's behavior and sometimes to predict and influence their future behavior. Psychology, in the past, has been assumed to have clear sub-fields (headings). Although there are many differences between the different classifications of psychology, they are interrelated and frequently overlap. I will mainly be focusing on Environmental Psychology and Phobias although I will touch on other aspects of psychology. Many of the theories in social psychology can fundamentally be classified as balanced theories. "These relate to the problem, of both practical and theoretical importance," of how and why people change their attitudes. For example, if you hear a speech from a friend or someone you admire and trust you expect to hear things that you would agree with. If that is not the case, one of two likely outcomes can happen. Either the listener will lose some of the respect they originally had for the speaker or he will be overwhelmed by the trust he has in the speaker and change his own thoughts to adapt to the speaker's views. Thus, the listener will bring his attitudes toward the speaker and toward putting the ideas into balance. "People tend to try to balance, or reconcile, their own ideas with their actions. Social psychology also deals with mass behavior." Industrial Psychology is the study of behavior in the work place. Industrial psychologists can have many different jobs all associated with the work place. There jobs range from adapting the office to be more suitable and delightful for the workers, to deciding whether the employees should be hired (through testing and interviewing, in developing training programs), to maintaining good employee relations and communications. Environm...

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