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Prosocial Behavior

Includes behaviors such as Altruism, Cooperation, Generosity, Empathy, Respect, Civility. Ethical Principles are concerned with good and bad behavior. Rules governing appropriate interpersonal behavior form the basis for human culture. Pro-social behaviors refer to actions that are intended to aid or benefit another person or group of people without persons anticipation of external rewards. Also known as the concept of Altruism. Empathy Another reason that individuals engage in these helping behaviors is that they have Empathy for others. The term Empathy refers to a persons ability to understand the needs and feelings of other people because they share in those feelings. And for sometime Empathy has been considered a significant factor in promoting positive behavior towards others. Cooperation Cooperation or collaboration is the tendency to work together for mutual benefit and is generally contrasted to competition which is working against each other for a larger share of benefits. Cooperation is not always desirable nor is compition always to be deplored. When people are cooperative regardless of how they feel or the other person behaves, they may be exploited and taken advantage of. Generosity and Helpfulness Cultures that favor generous, supportive and cooperative behavior promote these responses by reinforcing prosocial behavior. People who are cooperative are also more likely to come to the aid of people in distress. Several of the factors that promote cooperation such as personally adjustment, cognitive level, imitation, and cultural background also affect generosity and helpfulness. Respect and Civility Respect is a behavior that shows another person moral and ethical acceptance. Showing respect for another, even when not deserved, is considered to be a good sign of breeding in times past, but now as where society has changed, dissing "show disrespect for" has become more accepted, this behavi...

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