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Professional Sports Player and Their Salaries

How does someone become a millionaire these days? What about going on a television show and answering fifteen questions correctly? Maybe you can get all seven numbers right on that lottery ticket you bought at the store last night. What about being lucky enough to make the right investment decisions with your broker? For some this might be true, but for others it is as simple as going to work and doing what they do best. The everyday man goes to work on a daily basis, does his best, and sometimes even achieves more than what is expected, and still does not become a millionaire. The reason for this is that I am not talking about the everyday man. I am talking about the professional athletes in the sports world. There is so much controversy as to whether these competitors really get the wages they are worthy of. These expert athletes work hard, bring excitement to our lives and deserve every penny they earn. The team owners are paying their players more than they deserve. The professional athletes are being paid exactly what they deserve, and we, the fans, are the ones paying them what we want them to earn. We are the ones going to the games, buying the pro-athletic gear and souvenirs, and we are the ones who make it a point to watch those football games on Sunday afternoons. Do not forget about the Super Bowl games every year when they raise the ticket prices. If we did not want them to make this kind of money then we would not participate in the entertainment. The athletes do not ‘work’ for their salaries, they are being paid to ‘play’ a game. This may be partially true. They are playing a game, but their ‘play’ is work. You cannot just get on the field and become the Most Valuable Player. It takes an enormous amount of time, constant training, commitment, discipline, will power, and determination to do what they do. Many of us go to school to learn or train for our job. The athle...

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