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Productivity of the dualearner family

As we enter the 21st century with all its challenges and opportunities, the idea of the traditional family has changed. Now, the dual-earner family, with husband and wife each maintaining separate careers and contributing to the financial success of the household, has become commonplace.The economic commitments and expectations of today's world often require two incomes to meet the overall expenses of the family. The biggest questions are often, "How will we plan for our own retirement, save for our children's education, and perhaps help our older parents deal with some of their financial burdens?"2. Advantages and disadvantages of a dual-earning familyDisadvantages include the risk of getting caught up in financial wants vs. needs, having too much to do, constant child-care worries, always feeling guilty, dealing with fatigue, and the risk of getting caught up in their careers at the expense of their partnership. Advantages include sharing a mutual goal, having more in common, both men and women enjoying higher self-esteem, having their children involved with real role models, and greater financial opportunities. 3. Do's and Don'ts for dual-career couples with childrenDo'sDo share chores and childcare - you are likely to stay closer as a couple and as a family.Do communicate - explain what you want from your partner, and what is expected from your children.Do spend some time, however little, with each child, and some time together, ecery day.Do try to stagger working hours to fit in with childcare arrangements. Consider asking your employer about flexitime or working partly at home.Do try and wind down on the way home.Do take a family holiday at least once a year, and short breaks as often as you can.Don'tsDon't try to do everything, don't expect perfection and don't feel guilty - either let the dust accumulate or hire domestic help.Don't bring work problems home or talk obsessively about work when you are at home.4. Dual-earner dive...

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