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Problems in Shy town

What happens when you have an organization that is peacefully protesting and doing nothing wrong at all, and then you have a small banned of anarchist’s who believe it is there right to take actions into their own hands? Easy you have the biggest massacre in Chicago even before Al Capone is even around. The massacre that happened in the Haymarket square on May 4th was anything but pretty. What provoked a small banned of so called anarchist’s to do such an extreme act of violence? Where does one get off and take extreme and brutal actions into there own hands. Well for eight men it was determined there fate for their actions in which they committed. But what about the third party individual who helped make the equipment that was going to be used for this action against the Chicago police department.In the bombing a police officer by the name of Mathis Degan was killed by a bomb thrown by an anarchist, this would later turn into a court case against August pies, Albert R. Parsons, Adolph Fischer, George Engel, louis Lingg, Samuel Fielden, Michael Schwab, and Oscar W. Neebe. What these men did was develop and carry out a plan that would change history for many people. These eight men alone, single handedly destroyed the Knights of Labor, which was a great weapon in fighting for the eight a day work schedule. Prior to the bombing the eight people listed above constructed and manufactured pipe bombs for the up coming strike. They knew from previous scenarios like theirs that was coming up that the police would come in, and try to put an end to the demonstration. On the 4th of May the union leader talked about what was on the agenda for the current meeting and that one of the head administrators for the company that they were striking wanted to make a deal with them. Before that even happened the police arrived in their buggies and on foot and the police chief was quoted as saying, “this meeting immediately and ...

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