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Presidential campaign 2000

This year a new president will be elected. There are five candidates who are in the running. In all actuality only two have a chance to become president, Al Gore, the vice-president, and George W. Bush, the governor of Texas.Republican nominee George W. Bush is the son of former President George Bush. George W. was born in New Haven, Conn. on July 6, 1946. He was raised in a boom and bust oil town in Texas called Midland. He received his B.A. in history at Yale University and his M.B.A at the Harvard Business School. In 1977 he formed his own business called Arbusto Corp., which invested people’s money in oil drilling. Bush was also managing general partner of the Texas Rangers baseball team from 1989-1994. His political career consists of an unsuccessful run for Congress, an aide to his father, and being the governor of Texas. He has a wife named Laura and two twin daughters.Born on March 31, 1948, Al Gore was raised by his parents in Carthage, TN. His father was a former U.S. Senator. He graduated from Harvard with honors in government. Gore then attended Vanderbilt law school, and from there enlisted in the U.S. Army to serve in Vietnam. Upon returning from combat, he took a position as a newspaper reporter with the Nashville Tennesean, and authored Earth in the Balance in 1991, which dealt with environmental topics. Gore represented Tennessee in the House of Representatives and the Senate. He is presently vice-president of the United States and is married with four children.Within this presidential race, many national issues are being argued with different solutions. Education is a hotly contested issue in this presidential campaign. George Bush has laid out a comprehensive plan to correct the problems and improve public education. He believes in the accountability of teachers and schools on a local level. The federal government’s role should take the form of providing funds; however, schools would be controlled local...

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