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Presidental Branch

The White House is the corporate headquarters of the free world. Our President is the CEO. The cabinet members and white house staff are executives. Further down Pennsylvania Avenue at the Capitol are the Board of Directors, and it just so happens that the Board of Directors, have meetings just about everyday. We the people are the shareholders of our nation. This is how are nation is run in the status quo. FDR had forty-five full-time staff members. President Clinton had five hundred and eleven. Who was more effective Clinton or FDR? When you have people to support and assist you, it is easier and more effective to get the task at hand done. Our media looks to the president as the chief source of public policy . This notion makes the President accountable to the shareholders day in and day out. The American Presidency has gone through a huge change over the course of the institution. The White House Staff and the Cabinet have taken on a more expansive role as policy-makers and executors. The National Security Council, the Office of Drug Control Policy etc. are agencies that take not only execute policy but also create policy. FDR had about 4 terms to establish policy and help the nation recover. Bill Clinton only had two terms and he was able to get the middle east talking, helped a nation undergoing a civil war and brought the economy to its highest in history, and braught poverty to its lowest. In 8 years William Jefferson Clinton, did nearly as much as FDR in terms of creating policy and helping the nation recover. Why? His staff, without staffers Bill Clinton would not be able to accomplish as much as he did. Television & The Internet has changed our way of looking at the president. Our President is now more accountable to his “shareholders” due to these changes. He has to have a press conference everyday, he has to have a weekly radio address, his staffers have to be on all the major Sunday morning news magazines. ...

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