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President Roosevelt

When President Roosevelt took office in 1933, he quickly created program after program to give relief, create jobs, and stimulate economic recovery for the U.S. These programs were called "alphabet soup" as well as the "New Deal." These alphabet agencies would help to bring the U.S. out of the Great Depression, and provide a new hope for a economically-stricken nation. On March 6, 1993 he shut down all of the banks in the nation and forced Congress to pass the Emergency Banking Act, which gave the government the opportunity to inspect the health of all banks. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was formed by Congress to insure deposits up to $5000. These measures reestablished American faith in banks. Americans were no longer scared that they would lose all of their savings in a bank failure. Government inspectors found that most banks were healthy, and two-thirds were allowed to open soon after. After reopening, deposits had exceeded withdrawals. Led by Harry Hopkins, a former social worker, the Federal Emergency Relief Agency sent funds to depleting local relief agencies. Within two hours, $5 million were given out. Mr. Hopkins believed that men should be put to work and not be given charity. His program also funded public work programs. This revitalized many deteriorating relief programs. The Civil Works Administration gave the unemployed, jobs building or repairing roads, parks, airports, etc. Through this the CWA provided a mental and physical boost to its 4 million workers. The CCC, otherwise known as the Civil Conservation Corps, put 2.5 million unmarried men to work maintaining and restoring forests, beaches, and parks. Workers earned only $1 a day but received free board and job training. From 1934 to 1937, this program funded programs for 8,500 women. The CCC taught the men and women of America how to live independently, and increased their motivation as American workers. The Indian Reorganization Act ended the ...

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