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Prayer in Schools

Professor Sarnowski Teaching Religion in Schools Religion is any system of beliefs or the moral values that people follow. Some people actually define religion as their whole purpose in life. Religion is often times the key that defines who people are. Religion is where people find themselves and the purpose for their lives. Combine all these beliefs about religion and people’s pride and it is understandable why people are so devoted to their religious beliefs. This makes religion a crucial component to most peoples lives. The fight to keep religion out of schools, specifically Christianity, has been a controversial issue for many years. People have fought to keep other religions from being taught to their children so that they may not be led astray. It is not that most people do not want any religion taught in schools and to their children, but it is the fact that they do not want other religions to be taught to their children. They believe that exposing their children to other religions causes them to question their own religion and then have them start to believe in another religion that is not their parent’s religion.It used to be that prayer in class was as common as saluting the flag of the United States of America. Today, it is illegal for a student to have a Bible at school and to share with other students what they believe. So many people have chosen to go against having religion in schools because it is not their religion. There are many issues that are involved with this topic. The fact that the country has fallen away from Christianity and into more of a variety of religions has made it difficult to determine what religion would be acceptable to teach and be open about in the classroom.Everyone wants their own religion to be taught and in the best light possible, but no others. They want the youth of the country to be converted to their religion, but want all the other religions to be neglected ...

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