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Power in the Hands of the Many

Power in the Hands of the Many In reading the political speech by the Old Oligarch, it is not hard to see just how bitter some Athenians were about the institution of Democracy. This being so, one must examine the reverse side of the coin, the empowerment of the lower class known as the commons. The Athenian democracy brought with it a variety of opportunity for the common men of Athens. Prior to this period, the upper class held the top positions and had the final say in governmental proceedings. It is through the bitter words of men, such as the Old Oligarch, that historians come to understand just how Athens, as well as the commons, benefited from their form of government and control of the so-called allies.Toward the end of the Persian wars, a league was established among Greek cities who depended upon trade in the Aegean as a livelihood. The Delian League began as a voluntary way for strong, as well as weak cities, to band together against Persia in Greek inhabited areas of Asia Minor. Over time Athens became the head of this league and the Persian threat was put down for the time being. A few members of the league felt it was due time they severed their tie to the league and went back to life their way of life. Athens on the other hand had grown accustomed to the money in the form of tribute payments which kept the navy among other things in tip-top shape. When the cities threatened to leave the league, Athens not only prevented their departure, but quashed them to the point they would no longer have the means to leave the league. It might be suggested that the ability of the allies to pay tribute is the strength of Athens. The democrats think it more advantageous that each individual Athenian should possess the wealth of the allies and the allies only enough to live on, and continue working without having the power to conspire (Oligarch, 15).During this same time, the common men of Athens were being given power in th...

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