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Pornography in the media

It started by way of messages and evolved through the presentation of newspapers and radio, brought humanity together with television, and now serves worldwide via the ever-popular Internet. It is the mass media, and even from the earliest days of its existence, it has contributed greatly in ways that both enlighten and enrich society, and ways that deteriorate and perplex it. It is not a surprise to learn, then, that the mass media are the most powerful source of information society has, and nothing else in today’s world influences public perception quite as heavily.Unfortunately, however, most of what is broadcast or transmitted in the news today is with reference to the chaotic condition of the planet, or something else that society as a whole sees as detrimental or damaging. But the news on television is not the only type of media taking the criticism of society. Other forms of mass media, specifically movies and television programs containing pornographic materials and violence have been heavily criticized. The underlining concept to be debated here is that society is negatively influenced, specifically, by these images of pornography and the result is increased violence against women. This assumption, and it is indeed only an assumption, is completely fallacious, however, as no concrete and completely conclusive evidence has ever been formulated in support of the theory. The key premise here and the intent of this research paper is to prove that mass media do not cause undesirable social behavior and in actuality, the media people should not be dubbed as the “bad guys”. They simply use their power in the most constructive ways possible in order to promote their ratings and popularity. One way to do that is to concentrate on what sells: sex, violence and disaster.What is pornography? The American Heritage Dictionary defines pornography as "written, graphic, or other forms of communication intended to ex...

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