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Political Parties

Political Parties There are numerous political parties in the United States and they all have no strict requirements for membership. That means whatever group you want to belong to you can. There are also no membership lists that are maintained. Some of the ways to determine party affiliation comes from voting surveys and public opinion polls. The majority of voters in America consider themselves to be Democrats. Party identification does not mean that who is you will vote for. There are several Democrats who will vote for Republicans in the presidential election. This is much more common in the United States than in any other major country.The most common parties are the Democratic and Republican parties. These are organized at the national, state, and local level. These are complicated organizations and each had three basic units, which consist of the mass meeting, the committee, and specific leaders. From these two parties developed other parties like American political parties, the Federalist Party, and the Democratic-Republican Party. The Federalists were led by Alexander Hamilton and wanted a strong central government. Hamilton was Washington’s secretary of the treasury. This was one of the first political organizations in the United States. They controlled the nation’s government from 1789 to 1801. They also favored a large peacetime army and navy and a stable financial system. Hamilton believed that the constitution should be loosely interpreted to build up federal power. He proposed tax increases and establishment of a national bank. The Federalist Party broke up in 1816 as a national organization. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison opposed Hamilton. The people who followed them became known as The Democratic Republicans. It was generally called the Republican Party but has no relationship to today’s Republican Party, founded in 1854. This party was established in the 1790&...

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