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Pheonix Rises From The Ashes

Phoenix Rises From the Ashes When asked by a white hunter “ Doesn’t the gun scare you?” while having it pointed at her, Phoenix Jackson, of Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path”, replies “No, sir. I seen plenty go off closer by, in my day, and for less than what I done,” This is an example of how the protagonist deals with another of her travails. Phoenix’s conflicts only hone the thrust of Welty’s tale of triumph over adversity. The irrelevancy of these tortures to this person’s purpose is made all the more poignant by their staggering weight. From the first line of the narrative you learn the setting is December. A “frozen day”, and yet Phoenix does ought but rejoice that it is not the “season” for bulls and snakes. Given the numerous references to her advanced age: a delusion of a small boy handing her a slice of cake after navigating a log bridge, to “Her eyes blue with age.” She travels from the deep wood though the dangers of both terrain and prejudice. Throughout the story she encounters obstacles that would deter stalwart heroes of epics.While traveling through the country Phoenix encounters a white hunter who helps her up after being knocked to the ground. Despite his threatening manner, pointing his gun at her, he tries to deter her from her task. He points out the distance she had to travel even to reach the point at which they had met. He callously explains that “I know you old colored people! Wouldn’t miss going to town to see Santa Claus!”. Lastly to add further injury to insult, after losing a nickel and not being aware of it, he claims to not have a penny to give her. All Phoenix does is apologize to “God” for having stolen it. What fear grips a person who knows what they were doing was incredibly important, and yet they cannot recall what they were about? The attendant repeatedly attempted to c...

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