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Was there ever a time in your life that you felt like you had predicted something? Or had a hunch about something that coincidentally came true? If the answer is “yes”, you are among the majority of people in this world that experience this at least once the their lifetime. “Is There A Sixth Sense” is not only the name of the article I’m writing about, but a darn good question as well. The article is written jointly by Dean Radin, Ray Colleen, and Ray Hayman and discusses the possibilities of a sixth sense which has been found to exist through several studies. But are those studies really accurate and conclusive? This is yet to be determined.II.Summarization of ArticleResearch Psychologist Dean Radin, PhD has long been interested in “psi” perception (psychic experiences). An example of “psi” would be extrasensory perception, or otherwise known as ESP. For years he has studies and researched the possibility intuitive powers with interesting result. In one of the experiments he performed, he placed a woman in front of a blank computer that randomly selects different pictures, calm and emotional. Radin put three electrodes on her left hand; two that measured tiny changes in skin resistance, and a third that monitored blood flow. She was left alone in the room to view the pictures, which would start when she pressed a button. The monitor displayed a picture for three seconds with 8 seconds of blank screen in between the pictures. At the end of each segment, a message would appear stating that she could start the next segment when she was ready. The woman had done 40 segments before she was finished.As a result of the experiment, Radin found that the graph showed her body responded to emotional pictures before they appeared and did not respond before the calm pictures appeared. To Radin this experiment, along with many others, was proof enough that psi exists.Naturally, other Psychologi...

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