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Panic Disorder

You become terrified for no apparent reason; your heart feels as though it will beat right out of your chest; you sense an overall feeling of doom and you get dizzy. Am I dying, or am I just crazy? If you are crazy, then so are 2.4 million other people in the United States. Panic disorder, one of many anxiety disorders, is a serious and potentially debilitating illness. This illness is treatable, however, only one-third of those who suffer will actually be treated.What is panic disorder? Panic disorder is characterized by panic attacks, which are periods of intense fear, or discomfort, in which four or more of the following symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes:Palpitations, pounding heartSweatingTrembling or ShakingSensations of shortness of breath orsmotheringFeeling of chokingChest pain or discomfortNausea or abdominal distressDizziness, unsteadiness, light headed, or faintingFeeling of unrealityFear of losing controlFear of dyingNumbness or tingling sensationsChills or hot flushesTo be diagnosed as panic disorder, the attacks must be recurrent and unexpected. At least one of the attacks must be followed by at least one month, or more, of one, or more, of the following:Persistent concern about having another attackWorry about the implications of the attack or its consequences; heartattack, going crazy, losing controlA significant change in behaviorrelated to the attacksTrue panic attacks resulting from panic disorder are not due to any physiological effects of a substance, or to any general medical condition such as hyperthyroidism. Because the physical symptoms of panic disorders are so intense, many patients fear they are dying and are taken to emergency rooms. Most of those who are treated at emergency rooms will be discharged without ever knowing what was wrong with them. Many patients fear the attack will last indefinitely, however, in reality most panic attacks peak within ten minutes and then ...

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