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Pablo Picasso and Friendship

Pablo Picasso and Friendship Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born in Malaga in 1881. In 1891, the family moved to La Coruna in Galicia. Picasso was educated at St. Raphaels school, but he didnt learn very much. In 1882, he moved from the School of Fine Arts and continued with his studies at the Instituto da Guarda. When the family moved to Barcelona, Picasso studied at the Llotja and from 1897 at the Madrid Academy. From 1901-4, he painted in blue tones to depict poverty and suffering, then in 1904 he went to Paris, settling in Montmartre, and began painting in a less austere style. In 1907, Picasso developed the Cubist movement, together with Georges Braque. Images of violence and anguish increasingly appeared in his work from 1928. In 1939, Picasso had his most important exhibition in New York, entitled: Picasso: Forty years of his Life, which contained 344 pieces of his work. He continued to produce work, including a series of etchings, until his death in 1973, at his home in France. Due to his use of creativity and imagination in his paintings, makes Picasso my all time favorite artist.My favorite artwork that Picasso painted is titled Friendship. This painting was finished in the winter of 1907-1908. The painting is of two friends leaning on each other. Their bodies have a deformed image, making the observer enticed in the artwork. There is no set line structure. It looks as if Picasso painted a variety of long, smooth strokes to outline their bodies, and short, choppy strokes to paint in between the lines. There is Harper 2barely any space between the two friends; they are groping each other, but there is about a half an inch border that just contains a multitude of different colors. There are several different colors throughout this art piece. In the background there are darker colors, such as: browns and hazel. The friends are comprised of blues, tans and a light hazel. Toward the bottom and left corner of...

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