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Organizational Behaviour

Our group consists of five members: rick, Brendan, John, Sasha, and Dan. Even though we come from diverse cultural backgrounds and families we have many similarities which potentially makes us a very effective group. Two of the five members are international students and the other three were born and raised in the United States of America. The random group selection process has left us in a very good situation. So far, we have found that with our differences, we can still successfully work together to achieve a common goal. Our similarities seem to outweigh our diversities, and we will use this to our advantage in handling problems associated with group work. The foremost similarity in our group is our gender. Group #1 consists of five males. Some people might doubt the team consisting of all males since they have been unsuccessful in the past. We were immediately able to overlook such negative outlooks and focus on our strengths. Without the female point of view the chance of conflict is reduced being that woman generally formulate different ideas based on the female character. This far, we have been able to reach agreements with very little difficulty, and are pleased with our current group dynamics. This is not necessarily a result of a single gender group, but we feel it has a lot to do with it. We hope to disapprove the common misconception of all male groups. With our most similarity established, we must look at our individual characteristics to determine more precisely how this group will evolve. Despite our common gender, we are all different people. We come from various places, different cultures lead to separate lifestyles. We all have distinct views and ideas, which are synthesized by our values and personality types. By understanding these differences and developing our strengths, we will become a very productive team. A team is a set of individuals motivated by a co...

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