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Ophelia The Mouse

Floyd CollinsOphelia the MousePlaying with someone’s feelings is a very serious matter. Ophelia is innocent of any wrongdoing, and in return she is used as a tool so people can get what they want. Her father and Hamlet used her as a tool, which led her to madness and her loving brother was not there to save her. Ophelia was a good woman who was treated as a child and had no independence.Laertes(Ophelia’s brother) loves her with all of his heart. He is always worried with her well being and whatever choices she may decide on. He tells Ophelia to be cautious of Hamlet’s love and words to her. Laertes tells her that Hamlet seeks not her but what she can offer. Laertes also points out that Hamlet is evil and that she should fear him instead of loving him. Laertes and Ophelia had a special bond between them and he never used her for his self-gain. He showed a lot of compassion towards her but where was he at the time of her death? Laertes should have taken care of Ophelia when she went crazy: he should not of let her run off knowing how ill she was. If Laertes was so concerned with her well being when she was in love with Hamlet then why didn’t Laertes show concern with her life and protect her during her weak point of her life? I do believe that Laertes truly loved Ophelia and would do anything for her but at the time of her madness he was too concerned with the death of his father to pay attention to Ophelia. Polonius acts toward Ophelia with dispise and disgust. Polonius uses her as a tool to become closer and get on Claudius’ good side. Polonius cares nothing for Ophelia: she is considered as a pawn in a chess game only to protect the king, Polonius. He treats her like a child that knows nothing and can do nothing. He also tells her that Hamlet wants only her chastity and all of his love letters mean nothing. Polonius tells her to stay away from Hamlet only to drive him crazy for her: Polonius also tells ...

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