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Old Yeller

OLD YELLER This was one of my favorite books during my childhood days. The book is a classic, andDisney later made it into a motion picture. the story’’s climax develops quickly by telling stories and adventures of a boy named Travis and his old stray yellow dog named Yeller.At the introduction of the book Travis is plowing corn in the garden when an old yellow darts bye and causes the mule to jump. He chases the dog out of the garden and curses at him. Then a few days later the stray dog ate some of the deer meat that was very important for the family’’s survival. Travis was very angered and threatened to kill the mischievious yellow dog, but his younger brother, Arliss, would not allow this. There are many more adventures that the book tells of Old Yeller throughout the story and I am going to put a heavy emphasis on the three that I enjoyed the most. First of all Travis and his brother Arliss were out in the forest with their mother and were cutting wood. This was going to be used to mend a fence that had broke in the yard. While Arliss was off on his own exploring that day he ran across a small bear cub and began to play with it. Travis yelled at him to turn the cub loose. Arliss could see the mother bear coming, but he was too frightened to turnthe cub loose. Travis and his mother ran down the hill to assist Arliss, but they knew that they were going to be too late. All of the sudden Old Yeller came like a flash and attacked the bear from her side. The bear turned quickly to fight the dog off. Travis hoisted Arliss up and threw him to their mother. Travis then began to run and shout at the two fighting animals. The bear tucked it’’s tail and left. Old Yeller had saved the life of Arliss and they were all very appreciative of what Yeller had done. One of the next highlights in the book is when Old Yeller knocks...

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