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Old Madam Yin

Seventeenth century China had become a "closed country", in effect limiting how much of the "outside" world was allowed into China. In essence China had closed its doors to missionaries and all who would try to push western culture (Christianity, alcohol, opium, etc) onto the Chinese people. Tradition was very important to the Chinese. With the passage of the "unequal treaties" in the nineteenth century the doors were once again opened for missionaries-thus paving the way for an influx of western idealization. New (modern) ways of thinking emerged, greatly impacting the lives of traditional Chinese households, an example of this is the Yin family, written by Ida Pruitt, born to missionary parents in China but still having very close ties to the Chinese people. Traditional ways of doing things and living were thought to be the best. With modernization came a cultural crisis during the Qing dynasty. What principles were to be taken from the West while holding to traditional Chinese values became the key question. The unanimous answer of the Chinese youth being: "East for essence, West for practical Use". This is a resounding theme in Old Madam Yin. The Yin family was very much from a traditional background. The social ranking and male hierarchy was very much a prevalent factor in the life of Lao Tai-tai, "The Chinese family system was organized around the kinship of men" (vi). A family tree was not traced by the female, but rather by the male-the wife being the property of the husband. A woman in Chinese society was dependent upon a male: whether it is her father, husband, brother or son. Divorce was generally not tolerated, and remarriage was frowned upon. In spite of this, Lao Tai-tai remarried after her first husband died, and rose to great wealth with her second husband whom she loved more than the first.A great homage and respect of ancestors was to be paid. "There were five generations that each man hoped to be able to venerate-h...

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