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Oedipus Rex1

In the play Oedipus Rex, it shows many different forms of fate and freewill. Fate is a word thatcan be defined in many different ways. Fate can affect a person’s life in many different ways.Oedipus’s fate ruined his life and lead him to a horrible death. Antigone’s life was also thrownout to the hand of fate. Neither one of them had any freewill in there lifetime, all of there liveswere based upon the fate that the gods handed to them. Both of these elements, fate and freewill,play a large role in the telling of the story of Oedipus Rex. Was his life really left to fate or wasit left up to him? In most tragic plays fate and freewill play a large role in the rise and fall of the protagonist. Theprotagonist in a play has to either cause the fault by his own freewill or by fate causing it.Without this there would be no fall of the protagonist in a tragic play. Ignorance of a protagonistcan lead to a fall do to a mistake done by there own free will. Fate can cause the fall of aprotagonist without there consent or there control. The fate of a protagonist leads to a muchmore horrible conclusion then the mistake of a tragic protagonist do to there own freewill. Oedipus was born with a horrible prophecy told to his parents which led his parents to believethat Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. They soon had Oedipus taken up to amountain, to leave him there to die. A shepherd saved his life and raised him, Oedipus soon wentback to Thebes were he was born. Oedipus believed that he was traveling away from his hometown, he soon found himself at a road where three corners met. There he murdered his fatherwithout knowing it was his father. He soon then traveled to Thebes and then he married his ownmother. Soon Oedipus found out what he had done. His mother committed suicide and OedipusTore out his own eyes and insisted on being banished from Thebes. Oedipus led the exact life that was prophesied, Oedipus had ...

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