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Heroes are renowned for their abundance of qualities that enable them to conquer Odysseus, from The Odyssey, is no different. He represents theheroic ideals of Ancient Greece, and is revered for his perseverance, intelligence,and leadership abilities. Throughout his journey Odysseus shows vast amounts of perseverance. Ashe is swimming towards land, against the tempest sent by Poseidon, he could haveeasily given up. After three days of swimming Odysseus reaches land. “All his bodywas swollen, and the salt bubbled from mouth and nostrils; breathless and voicelesshe lay in a faint, and awful weariness overcame him.” (71) This is the stateOdysseus was in as he reached shore. After years of not returning home he stillkeeps hope alive that he will one day arrive, which is also and example of hisperseverance.Through his many adventures Odysseus has always been prepared. TheTrojan Horse, the cause for the fall of Troy, was conceived by Odysseus. He is alsoresponsible for getting his men out alive from the Cyclops’ cave. “I tied themtogether with twisted withies,... I tied them (sheep) in threes, with a man under themiddle one, while the two others protected them on each side.” (108) This explainshow Odysseus enables the remainder of his men including himself to escape. Odysseus is also known for his leadership abilities. While commanding hisship Odysseus had full command of his men even when they were all vulnerable toScylla, the six headed monster. “No, no, row as hard as you can, and call for help onCrataiis-that is Scylla’s mother...” (140) After hearing this his men immediatelyreturn to the oars and row for their lives. Throughout the book Odysseus displays perseverance, intelligence and hisabilities as a leader. As a representation of the heroic ideals of Ancient Greece hestands his ground to the heroic ideals of the many cultures of today....

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