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As I sat thinking about what to write about i started to realize that slavery and war were the two things that at leat keep me going and I knew i I couldn’t quite figgure out how i was going to jointhe two until i did some research and other reading and started to rememberthe civil war and it’s purposes. I not one to into history but i came acrosssome very interesting information which i felt could bring my points ofview out quite effectively. So here it is my feelings and viewpoints onSlavery during, within, and after the civil war.The Civil War was doubly tragic because it was completelyunnecessary. Slavery had been ended in other nations with the stroke of apen, and yet in the mighty United States the country was willing to go towar over the issue of whether slavery should remain. The southerners feltthat it was their constitutional right to own slaves and did not see a timewhen they should be required to give up that right. However, upon theelection of Lincoln as President, the southerners felt threatened, and felttheir slave holding rights were being threatened, and in an effort to protectthese rights they chose to secede from the union. Why would any oneperson want to own another human being with the same intestines, some ofthe same feelings yet a different color for their own good . This was quitecrazy if you ask me , I feel that the southerners should have felt threatenedand that if what they were doing were so right why feel so threatened aboutdoing it.The northerners and Lincoln saw the importance of maintaining a united country, set out to bring back the seceded states. Thus the Civil Warbegan. During the civil war many Americans were either killed or wounded,this number was only surpassed by World War II. While the civil waroriginally began as a quest to bring the southern states back to the union.However, the goal of the war did soon change to that of abolition. While thewar may have seemed necessary to the s...

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