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Black Beauty and The Ugly Duckling Some people will argue with you that there is always an ugly duckling somewhere in a family. I see it different, I see these people as unique. In Toni Morrison's book, The Bluest Eye there is the issue of being beautiful and ugly. In this essay I will discuss how Toni Morrison book The Bluest Eye initiates that during 1941 white was beautiful and black was ugly in the surrounding of two families. The issue of beauty versus ugliness is portraying through out this book. I found nine different segments of beauty in Toni Morris's book The Bluest Eye. The first part of beauty that's reflected in Morrison's book, is when Claudia is constantly faced with the society's views of beauty. The societies ideal beauty is being white. Claudia one year for Christmas gets a "blue-eyed, blond-haired, pink skinned doll"(21), and rather than adoring this doll, she destroys and dismembers it because of her anger. Claudia feels she can not measure up to the beauty of white children, because her mom makes the comment "'Here,' 'this [doll] is beautiful'"(21), and this makes Claudia feel ugly. The Breedloves are a poor and ugly family. At least that is how they think the world views them. Morrison stated very clearly that "their ugliness was unique"(38). Their beliefs that they are ugly come from white Americans portraying that whites are the representations of what is beautiful. The white people "wondered why they were so ugly[.]" However, " [they] looked closely and could not find the source[.]" After a while of always hearing that they the Breedlove family was ugly, they finally said, "you are right" (39). Pecola at one point wishes that she had blue eyes. Pecola states that if she had blue eyes that maybe Cholly and Mrs. Breedlove would say "why, look at pretty-eyed Pecola. We mustn't do bad things in front of those pretty eyes" (46). Pecola thought if only her eyes were blue, then her problems ac...

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