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Life on the Mississippi as portrayed in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn relates directly to how life really was in pre-civil war times. Some specific ways in which life was portrayed in this novel was through how the money matters where handled and portrayed. Next is an example when the family known as the Grangerfords was introduced and how they showed their ways of life. Last was how greed and dishonesty played a role in the story when the King and the Duke came into the story informing us of how Con-artists played a role in these times.First, the way money was used and referred to in this novel played a realistic role. Money is considered a necessity of life in the 90s. It was also looked upon with great importance in the pre-war times. It was looked upon in two separate ways in the story. First was a carefree approach in which Huck acted. Huck did not look at money as a necessity once he started his new life on the river. Huck did not hesitate to give his money away to save his neck. Most people including Hucks father would have done anything to save the money. Next was how some people in the story looked at money as the most important thing in the world. Hucks father looked at money this way. Huckleberry knew that when his father appeared in town, he was only there to try and inherit Hucks money. But still in these times money held much less value to the people. When Huck had his six thousand dollars it was looked at as a fortune, while in todays society it isnt looked upon as that much.Second, life on the river was portrayed well when the Granerfords where introduced into the story. Their way of life corresponded similarly to how life really was in pre-war times. This family brought an important issue into the story. This issue was the feud between the Grangerfords and the Sheperdsons. The feud between these two families helped portray how laws and morals where different in these pre-war times. The feud be...

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