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Known as the King of Jazz, Louis “Stachmo” Armstrong was one of the most important figures in early jazz. Hewas said to have defined jazz music. Only Charlie Parkercomes close to having as much influence on jazz as LouisArmstrong. Armstrong was born on July 4, 1900 in New Orleans. Hegrew up singing on the streets of New Orleans at a youngage and had a troubled childhood. At the age of twelve hewas placed in the Waif’s Home For Boys for firing a guninto the air. However, at this home for boys is whereLouis’s thirst for music took off. Armstrong learned toplay the bugle, drums and the trumpet at the home. After Louis left the center he began going todifferent kinds of night clubs in order to listen andlearn new kinds of music. At these clubs is where he metJoe “King” Oliver. “King” Oliver was one of Armstrong’sfavorite musicians and the man acted as father to Louis. Oliver began to teach Louis how to play the cornet and thetrumpet. Upon learning the cornet Louis started fillingin for local bands at the clubs and eventually started hisown band. In 1917 King Oliver left New Orleans and Louis tookhis spot in a band called King Ory’s Orchestra which wasone of the most well known bands in town. Louis spenttime on a riverboat where he improved his cornet skillsand also learned to read music. In 1922 King Olivercalled Louis to Chicago, so he quit playing on theriverboats and left to go play in the Creole Jazz band. This was a dream come true for Louis. The band’s NewOrleans style of music took the town by storm and soonmany other bands from down south make their way north toChicago. In Chicago Louis switched from playing the cornetto the trumpet, which was to be the instrument that wouldmake him the famous musician that he was. Louis broughthis New Orleans jazz style north and changed the way jazzmusic was played. While playing in Oliver’s Creole Jazzband Lo...

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