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Electronic commerce industries that make “e-commerce” possible are growing at breakneck speed, altering not only how Americans, but also the global marketplace produces, markets, and acquires goods and services. In the e-commerce industry, it is generally agreed that provides one of the best business model “benchmarks” today. came online in the summer of 1995 with a mission to use the Internet to transform book buying into the fastest, easiest and most enjoyable shopping experience possible. According to their home page “since the summary of 1995 our customer base and product offerings have grown considerably, millions of people in more than 220 countries have made the leading online shopping site.” When you visit, you can buy books, music, videos, and more--by a click of the mouse. While the company has yet to turn a profit, they have revolutionized e-commerce by making customer interaction and feedback part of their brand image. Amazon’s method is to create a “community” of consumers. Much of their products speaks for themselves, so the customer feedback provides an objective measuring stick for the integrity of Amazon’s services. Individuals may express their opinions on all available products. Promoting such favorable business environment Amazon hopes to reinforce awareness and confidence in e-commerce customer population, as well as encouraging best practice among competitors. Amazon’s competitive threats come from other e-commerce, Web sites like:, Barnes &,, etc. Amazon knows that customers are sensitive to product quality and price, and personal information security so at they can expect to benefit from all three offerings. has a world-class management team led by Mr. Jeffrey P. Bezos founder and company’s Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive...

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