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King Nebuchadnezzar was king of the Chaldeans from 605 to 562 BC. Nebuchadnezzar father, Nabopolassar, was the founder of the Chaldean dynasty inBabylonia. An Assyrian-appointed governor of Babylon, he revolted in 626 BC, joinedthe Medes, and destroyed the Assyrian capital of Nineveh in 612 BC. After driving theAssyrian into northwestern Mesopotamia, Naboplassar left military operations in the handsof his son. Nebuchadnezzar dispersed the Assyrians, pushed their Egyptian allies out ofSyria, and was about to invade Egypt itself when he received news of his father's death. He returned to Babylon to take the throne.King Nebuchadnezzar is best remembered for his relations with the Jews and as thebuilder of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. the Jewish kingdom of Judah was positionedbetween two great powers: Egypt and Babylon. It was unable to remain eitherindependent or neutral; if it joined one side, it would be attacked by the other. In 597BC, and again in 586 BC, when the kingdom was under Egyptian domination, Jerusalemwas attacked and captured by Nebuchadnezzar. The second time, he destroyed the cityand carried off the Jews into their long Babylonian captivity.In Babylonia, Nebuchadnezzar engaged in numerous building plans. Babylon wasfortified, many temples were built, and also, a great step pyramid. The so called hangingGardens were set up. The garden was later numbering among the Seven Wonders of theWorld. No trace exists of this hanging gardens. During Nebuchadnezzar's life he had strange dreams. The dreams often hauntedNebuchadnezzar so he searched and found a man named Daniel who was known to be aninterpreter of dreams. Daniel interpreted many dreams for King Nebuchanezzarparticularly at the end of his reign over Babylon. One particular dream was about a talltree growing higher and higher into the sky until it could not be seen, with wild animalsbeneath its branches. Then Gods angels came down from heaven and shou...

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