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Nature Vs Technology

TechnologyThe ideas expressed in Michel Montaigne’s “On Cannibalism”are still greatly valid in today’s society. Technology has madelife easier, and as the saying goes, “The more you have, the moreyou’ll want.” We are a fast-paced society that does not give muchthought to the world around us. Not only do we not seem to noticethe beauty of nature, but we have started destroying it without asecond thought.I am living in a society that does not place great emphasison the marvelous works of nature. Until very recently, I hadnever seen the sun rise. I have become accustomed to waking eachmorning to the sound of the alarm clock, turning on thetelevision to find out the weather, and getting dressed in myair-conditioned, electrically lit house. There is absolutely noneed to step outside and feel the temperature, or to raise theblinds for light. By the time I leave my house to rush to my car,the sun is already up and shining. People may say that isn’t such a bad thing. They ratherenjoy the comforts that technology offers. I mean, what goodwould it do to get up early just to sit on the porch and watchthe sky turn colors? I have found that at this particular time,when the sky transforms to the most brilliant shades of pink andpurple and melding into radiant hues of orange, peace and inspiration seem to flood through me. It’s during the early hoursof the morning that I can get true perspective of exactly howsmall we all are. No matter how technologically advanced we everget, we can never match the wonders of a sunrise. That issomething we can’t imitate or change. It’s beyond all ourunderstanding and reason.It used to be that children were content playing outdoors,enjoying nature the way it was intended. But as times have gottenmore technologically advanced, all they want is the newestplaystation game or the fastest remote-control car. No one issatisfied with simple things anymore. I...

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