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A Monster named “NAPSTER” He was young, innocent, loved sports and computers, and had a mind that was brilliant. Young Shaun Fanning, the genius that created Napster focused on two aspects of the computer: programming and the Internet. His computer fascination grew into an obsession throughout High School. Wandering through the Internet, Shaun inadvertently invented the MP3 music file sharing application, Napster. Using the idea of all users being connected to one central server, yet all having access to each other’s music files for free, has caused lawsuits all over the country. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is the largest association in the music recording industry and consists of five major music recording studios: BMG Entertainment, Sony, Warner Bros., EMI group, and Universal Music Group. This association has filed numerous lawsuits for music piracy against Napster which has brought forth a constant debate on his issue.Many attempts have been made by the music industry to stop the “free music sharing” but until recently there have been few results. Whatever the final outcome of the lawsuits may be, the one conclusion that can be drawn from all the arguments and debate is that the current system, Napster, will have to change if it is going to continue to survive.In May of 1999, an Internet service by the name of: Napster, Inc. began operation by providing online users a cyber highway to free music. An individual simply could upload a song from a purchased CD onto their hard drive, and with the use of Napster, millions of others could have access to that exact file. Everyday millions of people log onto the Internet in search of what is called “free music.” They can download a song of choice, and by using a CD “burner” (a $300 to $600 item) can record it onto a blank CD with superb quality much like the one purchased from any music retail store....

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