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My Tuesdays with Morrie3

Mitch Albom, author of Tuesdays with Morrie, is flipping through his TV stations one night and he heard these words come from his TV set, “Who is Morrie Schwartz?” And Mitch went numb. Mitch found out through the TV show “Nightline” that his life long friend and teacher is dying and Mitch knows that he has to go and see him. Mitch goes to see his old college professor and what starts out as a one-day meeting turns into a four-month “class”.The class is conducted in Morrie’s house in the suburb or Boston, there are no books or any other students, just Mitch and Morrie. Throughout this class Morrie teaches Mitch the lessons of life; lessons such as death, fear, aging, greed, marriage, family, society, forgiveness, and a meaningful life. As Morrie’s conditions worsen, Mitch’s condition is getting better; Mitch is becoming a better person. Finally Morrie’s life comes to an end, and Mitch graduates from “Life 101”.“I felt the seeds of death inside his shriveling frame, and as I laid him in his chair, adjusting his head on the pillow, I had the coldest realization that our time was running out (59).” That is what Mitch, a journal writer for the Detroit Free Press, said as he lifted his old college teacher from his wheelchair to his recliner. Morrie Schwartz is dying from ALS, otherwise known as Lou Gehrig disease. As the book goes on, Morrie reaches out to people who want to talk and he teaches them about the real lessons of life, while he is lying on his deathbed. Tuesdays With Morrie is an excellent book because Morrie teaches Mitch lessons about marriage, greed, and family that young adults can learn from.“Love each other or perish”(149). This quote sums up all of Morrie’s views and beliefs on the topic of marriage and love. I feel that young adults can learn a very big lesson from this short quote. Love and marriage are...

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