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My Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing

My Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing My Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing In this paper, I am to write about my strengths and weaknesses in writing. This is not an easy task for me because I have never considered myself a writer. Reading other peoples thoughts are activities that are more my speed. I simply have trouble putting my thoughts into writing. Since, I do not feel that I have many strengths, let’s move on to my weaknesses.Writing deficiencies, I have plenty. My biggest problem is figuring out how to write what I am thinking. I have never been proficient at this task. It looks good to me when I read it, but when I turn the paper over to someone else; they do not find the point I was trying to convey. Typically, I have to verbally express the meaning of the paper to them. This is the area in which I would like to excel in this class. Second, I have never really enjoyed writing. I just tried to make the best of it when I was forced to endure it. It seems I have a tendency to focus on the tasks I enjoy doing most and turning away from the difficult ones. I feel if I take care of the “easy stuff” I can get more done. This is why I save the hardest for last. Now that I have returned to college, my hardest task has become my first chore. Can you see the irony?Thirdly, sentence structure and punctuation. What a complete pain in my neck. I would much rather complete the writing and have someone else worry about the correct syntax. Most of the time, I do not have issues with run on sentences or periods. It is all the rest of them. I found colons are good for making the eyes on smiley faces in my email (:-) ), but I am not too sure how to correctly use them. Please don’t even get me started talking about semicolons or hyphens. My only saving grace is I still want to learn these skills.Last but not least, reading. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy reading topics I enjoy, such as the news or good science ficti...

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