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My School

Our school is a school that has been around for a while. I love it here. It is quiet, peaceful, and there is only about 500 in the student body. It’s great! Dances every month, cool teachers, and other stuff like that.I have quite a few close friends, but I get along with just about anybody. It is a close school. If something happens, you’ll hear about it. If a rumor gets out, into the student body, you’ll hear about it too.In the winter months, the weather is quite cool in this place. People will walk in from the long bus rides shivering and covered in snow. By second bell, the halls reek with the smell of wet jackets and shoes. Then the bell goes and the crowds and groups form. The jocks with the jocks, the skanks with the skanks, and all the other stereo types. They all have their spots to hang out and talk. Once the bell goes it is a mad dash to class (for most), but for others it’s another drag on a smoke. All the females complain how cold it is until summer arrives.Once spring comes, you see jackets soaking wet on the floor with a brownish tinge from the wet mud and dirt from driveways all around the area. As it gets warmer, the all-present odor of after-shave and deodorant gets stronger; the days get warmer, longer, and more unbearable. The pop sales skyrocket as students sweat it out. As summer dawns, it is the time when outside becomes popular. You see people playing soccer, hackie sack circles and just groups that stare on the ground and talk. People go downtown to get pizza at Mama’s. The best pizza in town, I might add. Soon come the track meets, the test of strength for our school. We all know that the end is near?As the end draws near, we all know, not by dates but by the hot muggy days that swelter over us. After all, we have gone through and after all the days of examinations; we finally say our good byes on the last day. What we do over the summer, nobody knows. W...

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