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My Hero My Grandfather

My grandfather was a very loving man, he loved his family more than anything he had The only thing that could compare to his love for his family, was his love for his country. In his life he would have to make many sacrifices for his country, and the second would besupporting his wife and kids. He took on hardships with ease, he always had a certain calmness tohim, this is something I idolize about him, I would like to learn how to act this way. Hes myhero because he was special, not like anyone else I have ever met, he knew he was special, but henever he never flaunted it. In this essay I will try to paint a picture of my hero, and give examplesof why my grandfather is my hero.In January of 1933, my grandfather was born in the small Pennsylvania town of McKeesRocks. The second of five children, an older sister Joan, and three little brothers Terrance, John,and Jerome, all to their parents Robert W. Hileman and Katheryn Conolly Hileman. Mygrandfathers childhood was difficult, because it was part of this depression. When he was a kidhis food was rationed, his family was only allowed so much of certain items sugar, meat, butter,and other certain things. When he was twelve years old, he got a job at a deli slicing meat, he didthis to help his family out, this demonstrates that even at a young age he was willing to dowhatever it took to help out what with he called the cause, or his family.His parents were very hard workers, his father was an air brake mechanic, at thePittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad, he would put in long hard hours, to support his family. Hismother was forced to work during World War II, she worked at a mill doing riveting work, latershe worked at Bell Telephone. They were a very loving family, but work came first, this left verylittle time for their kids. My grandfather being the oldest son, was expected to help out more, onetime when he was about twelve years old, his mom told him Bobby, go to the store, an...

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