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Music in Education

Music in education is essential to our children because it increases their listening skills and is a common method of communication for cultures worldwide. There are schools attempting to eliminate teaching musical arts to our children. The board of education claims they must provide education by concentrating on the basic academic courses, but what they don't realize is that music is a major part of basic education. We must not allow them to pull the teaching of music out of our school curriculums because music is an essential form of communication. Our children do not have to be fluent in the arts to receive the value of broad exposure to the different musical dialogues. Deprivation of a very valuable part of education occurs if we do not teach them to appreciate a wide variety of music.Metaphorically speaking, we often associate the terms language and grammar with the term music. This association leads us to believe that music is a form of language, possibly because no symbol system other than language has the same potential as music of infinite productivity and precision. It takes a multitude of directions and phonetic-type symbolism to produce a pleasant sounding musical composition. This relates very closely to the requirements of everyday language. The primary objective of any spoken language is to convey a person's thoughts in a comprehensible fashion, but we must remember that everyone thinks and comprehends everything differently.Musical language contains vast quantities of words to help people understand how original composers intended to play a specific piece. Musical language also has directions that allow and encourage some scope of original interpretation and minor departures from the written score, resulting in no two performances sounding exactly alike.The English language, as we know it, carries a very strong parallel to these same interpretable words. Dialect and slang are just two of the many con...

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