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Mr Know All

KNOW- ALLThe story takes place just after the war on a liner that is on it's way from Sanfrancisko to Yokohama.From the very first lines of the story we can see that the narrator doesn't like the main hero of the story - Max Kelad that can be proved by the following quotation: "When I was told the name of my companion my heart sank. It suggested closed portholes and the night air rigidly excluded." We can see that the narrator of the story likes Englishmen very much and that's way he says that he wouldn't be so unhappy about his fellow mate if his name would be Smith or Braun. By this we can understand that Maugham is a patriot - he likes only his countrymen. But the narrator makes a mistake thinking that Max Kelad is not an Englishman - indeed he is.As we get to know Mr. Max Kelad we find out that he is boastful because as soon as he met the storyteller and gave him a drink he told him that he can get everything. Max Kelad said : " If you have any friends on board, you tell them you've got a pal who's got all the liquier in the world". Max Kelad is also very talkative and familiar that can be proved by the fact that he didn't say Mr. before the narrator's name. But Mr. Max Kelad didn't do it because he was impolite, but because he wanted the storyteller to fell comfortably. A question has probably come up to you why does the name of the story is Mr. Know-all?. This nick name contrived the men which were on the liner. It is because Mr. Max Kelad knew everything. He knew how to do tricks with cards, when the storyteller wanted to go downstairs, he said that everything was ready. The quotation says : "he conducted the auctions, collected money for prizes at the sports, and arranged the funny dress ball. He was everywhere and always. From this we may think that he was an energetic man, but it never came up to Mr. Kelad's mind that he disturbed anybody. He was convinced that everybody is happy to meet him. * From this we can come to a ...

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